Theatrical violence and showmanship in Middle Tennessee
May 17, 2024On my return commute, I stopped in Ashland City to pick up supper for my family at my favorite Greek restaurants. While waiting my turn I noticed a placard on the counter advertising an upcoming pro wrestling match at the local National Guard Armory. This brought back memories of Saturday afternoons of televised pro wrestling and also when I shot an assignment for the Nashville Banner newspaper. In a moment I made a snap decision just before receiving my order to go and shoot it.
Upon arrival, I was allowed to shoot backstage before the event started. This was my first time at seeing a pro wrestlers preparing before a match. They were kind and went on with their preparations ignoring me. What I observed was a rehearsal and character development. Hero and villain characters were staging themselves in the pertinent costumes and attitudes to portray for the sake of the crowd. Moves were planned like a ballet of theatrical fights. Although I’m certain plenty is left to the chance of the moment.
Once the matches begin the crowd is groomed to cheer for a particular wrestler. Lots of showmanship goes into masculine posturing and demeaning the opponent. The mass of gathered folks gobbled it up and cheered loudly for their perceived match champion and conversely booed the bad guy. This sets the stage for the action for each match.
Not sure how many believed it was an actual wrestling match. Admittedly I gained an appreciation for the production and athleticism of the wrestlers. For some, the action seems all too real. Pro Westling still has a strong presence in the south and I figure it might be a good way to blow off the stress of the work week.